Hayley Bomford – Multiples Otago

Nominated by – Elyse Blacow – Multiples Otago

What Elyse had to say …

Hayley is the ray of Sunshine that every club needs. Her enthusiasm for the Club and for her role is infectious. She never stops striving for the best for all our Multiples Whanau. She is always on the look out for ways to help not only the Members, but the Committee as well. If you need something, Hayley is your girl. Hayley was thrust into the position of New Parent coordinator at a time we saw an influx of dozens of new members in a VERY short space of time. She took it all in her stride creating so many beautiful packs with such love and care. Her ability to position herself as a safe place for our families to just ‘be’ has to be seen to be believed, her demeanor is so comforting at a time when thats exactly what you need. Hayley makes time for anybody who needs it, is at the forefront of every event to lend a hand and is across so many facets of the Club – much more than just those of her role alone. There are laughs aplenty too! She never stops streamlining, brainstorming or giving back. We are honored to have her as part of our Multiples Otago Committee family.


Megan Boag – Multiples Canterbury

Nominated by – Carolyn Lister – Multiples Canterbury

What Carolyn had to say …

I am nominating Megan this month as she is one of those people who has been a rock to others during lockdown on top of her regular support. Although no longer on our committee Megan is still an incredible support person, particularly for those in NICU or facing various other challenges. She is great at finding and connecting people in need and bringing them to the attention of committee members so we can provide additional help where necessary.

Officially Megan has been a buddy for eight families over the last two years, although unofficially she has supported many, many more either in person, virtually or through her Facebook posts. During this latest lockdown one of her buddies ended up in hospital with threatened premature labour at 28 weeks. Megan made up a bag of goodies for her and arranged a nurse to drop it to her for a surprise. She also connected the expectant with another of her buddies who had her girls at 27 weeks. 

Megan also really looks out for those who are struggling with anxiety or PND. She can sometimes spend up to 3 hours in a session with a member talking them through things and providing guidance and help to get professional support. 

On top of the one to one support, Megan has arranged catch ups for parents in the Selwyn area over the last year. As another example of support during lockdown Megan reached out to our Selwyn group offering assistance: “If anyone needs anything urgently over the next 3 days, please message me or post on here. It can be a bit daunting stuck in lockdown with multiples especially when they are little or unwell. There may be someone close that could add formula or nappies to their shop for you and drop it off in the driveway on the way past. I’ve supported another family with nappies tonight my girls have grown out of.”

So many of our members have been extremely grateful for the support they have had from Megan: “You’re amazing Megan, so grateful to have you in our community!”


Simon Taylor – Multiples Counties Manukau

Nominated by – Desiree Morgan – Multiples Counties Manukau

What Desiree had to say …

Simon took on the role of Equipment Officer last year when my workload meant that I couldn’t continue in the role. It was meant to be a temporary role, but Simon has streamlined the spreadsheets and processes and made himself available to members based on when they are able to come and has given the role flexibility that I couldn’t offer. He goes above and beyond for the club members, petitioning for new equipment when needed and also suggesting alternative partnerships for the rare times that the club cannot service everyone’s equipment needs. He also juggles the role with his very busy real life job so I think he deserves an amazing amount of kudos and we appreciate all his efforts for the club.


Laura King – Multiples Canterbury

Nominated by – Sophie McInnes – Multiples Canterbury

What Sophie had to say …

Laura is one of those highly valuable volunteers without an official title or committee role, but makes sure that everyone is ok and finds solutions when they’re not. She has been a member since 2017; her twins were born December 2017 and she also has a 4 year old. Laura first volunteered as a buddy when her twins were only 4 months old, and has now supported 12 families in this way. She is even a buddy for a triplet family, drawing on experience as a nanny of triplets for 9 years. She goes out of her way to help, particularly with mums who are struggling, respects families’ boundaries, is a playgroup regular, and offers great advice on all kinds of topics via our Facebook group. Laura also lets the committee know about tricky situations or whether someone needs more support, for instance she referred a struggling buddy for one of our Covid grants in 2020. Laura is a wonderful mum and human being, and the club wouldn’t function half as well without people like her.


Nicole Jane – Multiples Hawkes Bay

Nominated by – Vicky Chaplin – Multiples Hawkes Bay

What Vicky had to say …

I am still learning everything about Nicole and her roles for MHB but I know she has held many roles on the committee for at least 5 years. From my perspective she has held the club together the past 12 months by calling for committee meetings, running the facebook page, making and distributing welcome packs to the new parent team. She has managed new memberships, chased renewals and generally been a trooper trying to keep things going. I have become president as of last week and know that it is now my job to lighten her load and get the rest of the committee engaged for this coming year. I would be lost without her guidance and am thankful that when 3 long term committee members stood down this year she said she would remain for another 12 months to help with the transition. 


Ella Garnham – Kapimana Multiples

Nominated by – Stacey Petkov – Kapimana Multiples

What Stacey had to say …

Ella has taken on so much within our club within recent months, she already holds a number of various roles but still willingly puts up a hand when needed.
On top of her roles as club secretary, equipment officer, and membership officer, Ella organised an amazing educational workshop for our club, she assisted in the clubs recent get together. She is also really helping with getting the ball rolling on our major fundraiser this year. And just today, she changed her day plans to attend a meeting to support a grant application! Ka rawe my friend!
Ella, thank you so much for your perseverance and commitment to the club, with your already busy life with three little ones! We are all so lucky to have you on board! 


Chloe Miller – Multiples Canterbury

Nominated by – Alisha Peter – Multiples Canterbury

What Alisha had to say …

Chloe joined Multiples Canterbury in March 2018, and has been on our committee since August 2020 as our Breast Feeding Support person.

I first met Chloe at a Tumbletimes event in 2020, I knew this was one special lady! Chloe is bubbly, kind and has such a friendly nature about her, it’s infectious. Chloe has twin girls Florence and Daisy, who turn 3 in August this year, and are some of the cutest, giggly, fun-loving, wee ones that you will see at our Multiples events.

Chloe has taken the dual-lead alongside Emma Mackenzie in running our Ilam Multiple Playgroup each week. This playgroup has always been really popular, and Chloe and Emma are doing an amazing job in promoting attendance for all multiple families, and also have a fun-filled calendar of events lined up for the group from a Library visitor, Dance session, upcoming MAW Picnic in the park, and an Easter Feast in April! The playgroup is fun for kids of all ages and stages, and Chloe and Emma are relaxed, easy going and supportive to all parents and caregivers that come along.

Chloe is very supportive in her Breast Feeding role on the committee, and incredibly approachable. She actively engages in social media posts, and also handles any member queries privately. As twin mama’s, we know the challenges around Breast Feeding, and one of the quotes that resonated with me at the end of one of Chloe’s recent posts to a member needing support was “Your mental health and your babies matter foremost so whatever you do there is no right or wrong here”. The member commented on her entire post with “This is such good advice!”. Chloe’s manner is professional and kind, we are lucky and very grateful she can help support our members in this area.

Chloe is very proactive in terms of her personal professional development related to the club. Chloe did the breast feeding peer support training off her own bat, however she is very active in assisting our members in this area. She has also signed up to attend a first aid course for Ilam Playgroup, as well as the upcoming PADA training on Perinatal Anxiety and Depression. Chloe is passionate about making gains in her knowledge in support of this club, which is so valuable to us as a team, but also shows her strong character and desire to learn new skills.

Chloe is also one a buddy to one of our members, which this member commented on having Chloe as her buddy “Thank you Chloe, my wonderful twin support buddy, you’ve been such an amazing support over these last few months”.

Our club is really pleased to have Chloe in our team, we love her enthusiasm to get involved, and the kind nature she brings to the group. Chloe – keep being awesome!!.


Lizzie Stephenson – Southland Multiples

Nominated by – Sarah Miller – Southland Multiples

What Sarah had to say …

Lizzie has been in the co-president role since 2016 AGM, Lizzie puts her hand up for anything that needs done, she is a fundraising guru and runs these very successfully. She has recruited some great volunteers and filled all our vacancies for the past couple of years. Lizzie happily hosts the bi-monthly face-to-face committee meetings in her home. She hand delivers birth packs wherever possible to give our club a friendly face and to meet with our new mums before they leave the hospital but also does house calls. For Lizzie, nothing seems an issue, she problem solves like a boss and is always upbeat about it. In summary Lizzie has helped create this club to be amazing and has ensured it continues to be.


Caroline Cunninghame – Multiples Canterbury


Nominated by – Alisha Peter – Multiples Canterbury

What Alisha had to say …

Caroline joined the Multiples Canterbury Committee at the end of June this year, and from the outset it was obvious she was going to be a huge asset to the team. Caroline is well organised and her creativity and eye for detail has been an immense help with the Multiples Canterbury brochure, and also the bi-monthly Multiples magazine for members (both of which were a little on the tired side).


Caroline has a can-do attitude, and friendly manner in all dealings with the club. She is not afraid of a challenge, and happy to help anyone that needs a hand. Caroline is engaging on social media, and has contributed to many member messages for advice, and also contributed to the Multiples NZ magazine earlier this year on her “Rural & Remote” story about living in Haast with her partner Scott and identical twins Arabella and Everleigh.


Caroline’s design flair in changing the Multiples Canterbury brochure has brought a fresh, modern look, which has been positively received. Caroline has aligned this new look with a new design template of the Multiples Canterbury magazine, which has the members excited for the bi-monthly read. Some of the feedback we have received includes:

“Awesome work”

“Love it! We are lucky to have you on board”

“You have brightened it up and given it consistency, great work!”


Our club is so excited to have Caroline in the team, and with our planning meeting coming up in January, Caroline has already diving straight in with a list in mind of her next projects for 2021. Bring. It. On!




Jo Austin-Smith – Multiples Auckland Central



Jo was nominated by Anna Winn.

Anna says:

Jo’s bubbly and energetic personality has has helped revive our playgroup attendance numbers. She has taken time to get to know all our playgroup families and is always there to offer them a listening ear and pieces of advice. Despite her own boys starting school this term, Jo has remained committed to the Playgroup co-ordinator role and will continue the role until the end of this year to ensure a good handover with the person taking over. This will ensure our playgroup numbers and high level of engagement with our members will continue in to the new year.


Jo has also taken on the role of organising our multiples SPACE groups this year. By liaising with the Parenting Place and encouraging MAC members to register, 8 MAC families started the Twins SPACE group this term. Jo is attending the group every week to provide hands on support to the mums, support which is greatly appreciated by the two facilitators Trixie and Heather, allowing them to focus on delivering the content of the programme.


Jo has volunteered a number of hours each week to support the running of playgroup and the SPACE group. By doing this she is actively supporting over 15 multiples families each and every week. By doing so she is providing a supportive and inclusive environment for them to make relationships with other twin parents, relationships that will hopefully provide them with a support network for years to come.