LIZ CAMPBELL – Multiples Otago
Liz was nominated by Hannah Harrex.
Hannah says:
“Liz has been the backbone of this club through our toughest years, her motivation and vision kept the club afloat when we weren’t sure how we would keep going. With only 3 members on our committee for a long time, we were lucky that Liz was one of them. Her drive was one of the major factors that got us to where we are currently. (A strong committee of dedicated members and lots of new members).
She stepped down as President when we desperately needed a Treasurer but continued to give direction and leadership within her role as Treasurer. Liz is one of the hardest working people I know and does it all while being an awesome Mum to her beautiful twin girls. Liz always has the best interests of our members at heart and we are all so lucky to have her.
This nomination has been a long time coming and we want to acknowledge everything she has done for this club. To list everything she has done would take forever, she’s been the real MVP of Multiples Otago for the last few years!”
Congratulations Liz!