Tori was nominated by Ella Garnham Secretary KapiMana Multiples
Ella says:
“Tori brings our club newsletter together each month by herself. I know she puts real thought and effort into what she thinks members would like to see and it isn’t always easy getting contributions from other people for these things. I’ve often spoken to other members who’ve commented on articles they’ve read in the newsletter and think Tori’s family profiles are one of the ways members know of each other (and the committee members), even if they haven’t yet met them, so it’s a nice way to bring people together or break the ice when they do meet. I myself have always enjoyed reading the newsletter. Of particular note was the thought Tori put into last month’s newsletter when we were all in lockdown – she was aware of the information overload a lot of people were experiencing and really tried to make the newsletter positive, useful and not too information heavy (obviously while juggling her own household in lockdown, a circumstance where I think everyone would have understood if she skipped the newsletter that month).”
The judges acknowledged that volunteering during Alert Level 4 and 3 lockdown wasn’t always the easiest and Ella’s Nomination made special mention of the time Tori gave to her community over this period and the positive impact it had.