Multiples NZ Volunteer Awards 2020

The winners of these awards will be announced virtually this year from 8pm on the 5th of October via Facebook Live on the Multiples NZ Facebook page.
Congratulations to everyone who has been nominated and thank you to all those who submitted a nomination.
Awarded to a volunteer who has stepped up and made a difference in their club or the New Zealand multiples community in their first 18 months as a volunteer (either on a committee or in a specific volunteer role e.g. starting a sub-branch, running a playgroup, being a contact person). The award highlights not only their contribution thus far, but their potential/intention to contribute to the multiple’s community in the future.
The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ.
Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.
Nominees 2020
Anna Havrankova – Multiples Auckland North
Christine Pugh – Wellington Multiples
Ella Garnham – KāpiMana Multiples
Heather Craig – Multiples Canterbury
Jo Otukolo – Multiples Auckland NorthMalama Caskie Multiples Auckland North
Awarded to a volunteer who has provided exceptional service by supporting a family or families with multiples in the past year.
The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ
Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winners local Multiples NZ affiliated club.
Nominees 2020
Abby Harding – Multiples Canterbury
Amy Teague – Wellington Multiples
Emma Bentley – KāpiMana Multiples
Lynley Stringer – Multiples Auckland North
This year the nominees of the Volunteer of the Year award will be made up of the award winners of the Volunteer of the Month Award. All monthly winners from September of the previous year through to the month of August will be considered as nominees for the Volunteer of the Year award. For 2020 winners of the Volunteer of the Month Award from March 2020 to August 2020 will be eligible for this award.
The Volunteer of the Year is awarded to a volunteer who has provided exceptional service for the betterment of families with multiples within their local area or nationally.
The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ
Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.
Nominees 2020
Desiree Morgan – Multiples Counties Manukau
Georgie Manning – Wellington Multiples
Helen Johnson – Multiples Canterbury
Jane Dempsey – Multiples Auckland Central
Lucie Brooks – Multiples Bay of Plenty
Tori Pinfold – KāpiMana Multiples
Awarded to a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to their club or the New Zealand multiples community for at least five years regardless of their role – from committee members to those people helping behind the scenes.
Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.
Nominees 2020
Kirsty Saxon – Multiples Canterbury
Rachel Smith – Multiples Canterbury
Awarded to a Multiples NZ affiliated club that encompasses all or some of the following attributes:
- Has built and/or maintains a strong sense of belonging in its members.
- There has been significant membership growth and retention of members.
- Develops and implements innovative projects that support the needs of multiple families
- Is governed by a committee that acts in the best interests of its member families, understands its responsibilities and has systems in place to exercise them properly.
- Shows a willingness to share ideas and experiences at a national level.
- Grows and maintains positive relationships with the wider community, support agencies and national sponsors.
- Recovered after facing significant challenges such as dwindling membership, lack of committee or finances.
$300 cash prize
Nominees 2020
KāpiMana Multiples
Multiples Canterbury
Multiples Counties Manukau
Wellington Multiples