GEORGIE MANNING – President, Playgroup Coordinator, Antenatal Coordinator – Wellington Multiples 

Georgie was nominated by Elizabeth O’Brien, Secretary of Wellington Multiples

Elizabeth says:

“I speak for many others when I say that this woman is utterly amazing.  Not only does she have toddler twin girls and two older boys as well, but she puts 110% effort into Wellington Multiples and does it with a gorgeous smile on her face.  She’s the brightest, happiest person I’ve ever met, even though she has openly struggled with maternal mental health issues in the past which she has now become a strong advocate for.  She’s engaged, open, positive, and super importantly she has spent the past 2 years basically single handedly revitalising our Wellington playgroup and social events which has created the most amazing Multiples community for our region.  She’s just taken on running our greater Wellington twins antenatal class too which is run on weekends and is super popular.  She used to volunteer to just be a speaker, but she sees how important it is so she wanted to run it.  That’s the level of dedication she has.  She led the way to try to include the Hutt Valley and KapiMana clubs in our upcoming events too, like MAW, after her networking at the last Training forum.  She’s active on our social media, and she also created the new Club logo and branding we now use which is more modern and colourful.  She puts her hand up for everything because she knows it’s for the betterment of the club and the people within it, and she has a way of influencing all those around her to do the same.  While her standards are really high for herself, she never, ever judges anyone and really makes everyone feel like they belong and that nothing can’t be overcome – which as we know with multiples is a really important message.  Through her efforts, she has recruited some great volunteers for our committee too which has kickstarted a new era for our committee.  Truly, our club and our committee are so grateful to her and her commitment to us, which is why we have unanimously nominated her as our new President.”



Tori was nominated by Ella Garnham Secretary KapiMana Multiples

Ella says:

“Tori brings our club newsletter together each month by herself. I know she puts real thought and effort into what she thinks members would like to see and it isn’t always easy getting contributions from other people for these things. I’ve often spoken to other members who’ve commented on articles they’ve read in the newsletter and think Tori’s family profiles are one of the ways members know of each other (and the committee members), even if they haven’t yet met them, so it’s a nice way to bring people together or break the ice when they do meet. I myself have always enjoyed reading the newsletter. Of particular note was the thought Tori put into last month’s newsletter when we were all in lockdown – she was aware of the information overload a lot of people were experiencing and really tried to make the newsletter positive, useful and not too information heavy (obviously while juggling her own household in lockdown, a circumstance where I think everyone would have understood if she skipped the newsletter that month).”

The judges acknowledged that volunteering during Alert Level 4 and 3 lockdown wasn’t always the easiest and Ella’s Nomination made special mention of the time Tori gave to her community over this period and the positive impact it had.



Lucie was nominated by Joanne Carswell President of Multiples Bay of Plenty

Joanne says:

“During this stressful and uncertain time with lockdown in place, Lucie continues to be a steadfast, reliant and positive member of our committee team and community. She selflessly continues to carry out her role and responsibilities with such passion, dedication and precision, from helping community members with concerns and questions, supporting other committee members, during changes as well as completing the most comprehensive and professional accounts, budget and reports this club has seen. Her knowledge and skills are a real assist to our club and having her as a team member has impacted the manner in which I have been able to carry out my role as president in such a positive way. She has helped reduce the amount of time spent on end of year financial reports and data collection and budget creations. She is positively contributed to our recent grant applications in such a way it reduced the amount of time needed to complete these, whilst increasing the quality of information and documentation provided. Lucie is working very hard to make our accounting processes easier, seamless and automated, which will have such a great impact on the day to day running of our club. Lucie only took on this role less than a year ago and the impact she has had already is second to non. She completes all tasks to such a high quality, she goes above and beyond in all she does, we are so blessed to have her on our team, as is the community to have her working so hard behind the scenes to make things run smoothly whilst making such great improvements along the way.”



Jane was nominated by Kim Metahysa from Multiples Auckland North

Kim says:

“Since coming on board, Jane has been in contact with our committee asking lots of questions and getting lots of advice. It is quite clear she has the drive and ambition needed to help get Multiples Auckland Central back on its feet.  We are feeling the relationship between our two clubs becoming so much stronger, and this is largely due to Jane’s contribution alongside the rest of the AC committee. We would love to see her recognised for her efforts so that she can be inspired to keep on going.”

Volunteer Awards 2019

Celebrating our Volunteer Awards!


Winners and Nominees 2019


Awarded to a volunteer who has stepped up and made a difference in their club or the New Zealand multiples community in their first 18 months as a volunteer (either on a committee or in a specific volunteer role e.g. starting a sub-branch, running a playgroup, being a contact person). The award highlights not only their contribution thus far, but their potential/intention to contribute to the multiple’s community in the future. 

The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ

Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.

Winner Jodie McCartney Multiples Auckland North

Runner Up Stacey Petkov KapiMana Multiples

Nominees Elizabeth O’Brien Wellington Multiples

Stacey Oldham Multiples Canterbury

Pamela Perkins Manawatu Multiples


Awarded to a volunteer who has provided exceptional service by supporting a family or families with multiples in the past year. 

The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ

Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winners local Multiples NZ affiliated club.

Winner Rosie Ponifasio-Hughes Multiples Auckland North (Whangarei Satellite)

Runner Up Nicole Santos Multiples Bay of Plenty

Nominees Lynley Stringer Multiples Auckland North

Ariana Davis Multiples Auckland North

Ellayne Mackenzie Multiples Hutt Valley

Lesley-Anne Kalp Manawatu Multiples


Awarded to a volunteer who has provided exceptional service for the betterment of families with multiples within their local area or nationally. 

The volunteer must be a financial member of a Multiples NZ affiliated club or Multiples NZ

Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.

Winner Sophie McInnes Multiples Canterbury

Runner Up Zelia Boyd Manawatu Multiples

Nominees Amanda Paprzik Multiples Bay of Plenty

Kylie Robinson Manawatu Multiples

Jacqui Clements KapiMana Multiples

Kim Metahysa Multiples Auckland North

Sarah Miller Southland Multiples


Awarded to a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to their club or the New Zealand multiples community for at least five years regardless of their role – from committee members to those people helping behind the scenes. 

Prize includes $50 cash and $100 to the winner’s local Multiples NZ affiliated club.

Winner Ainslee Jacobson Wellington Multiples


Awarded to a Multiples NZ affiliated club that encompasses all or some of the following attributes:

  • Has built and/or maintains a strong sense of belonging in its members.
  • There has been significant membership growth and retention of members.
  • Develops and implements innovative projects that support the needs of multiple families
  • Is governed by a committee that acts in the best interests its member families, understands its responsibilities and has systems in place to exercise them properly.
  • Shows a willingness to share ideas and experiences at a national level.
  • Grows and maintains positive relationships with the wider community, support agencies and national sponsors.
  • Recovered after facing significant challenges such as dwindling membership, lack of committee or finances.

Must be a financial member of Multiples NZ

$300 cash prize

Winner Manawatu Multiples

Runner Up Multiples Auckland North

Nominees KapiMana Multiples

Multiples Bay of Plenty

Multiples Hutt Valley

Kirsty Saxon, Multiples NZ

In 2013 my husband and I found out we were expecting multiples. Early on in the pregnancy we joined Multiples NZ. Multiples NZ is a nationwide parent-led support network supporting families in their journey from expecting to raising multiples. Multiples NZ is a completely volunteer-run organisation that seeks to address the diverse needs of families with multiples through networking, education, support and advocacy. We work in partnership with local Multiples Clubs, community groups, health care providers and educators to support our members. During pregnancy (and beyond) I was blessed to have a lovely buddy mum who answered all of my questions, a quarterly magazine all about multiples, and a huge village of multiple mums within an online support group. At every stage of my children’s’ development, there was a parent who was facing the same problems or milestones, or had been there!

if you or someone you know is expecting multiples, send them to www.multiples.org.nz to see where their nearest club is. This is the best thing you can do as it is all of their support, friendship, and knowledge in one spot. Then, treasure the new parents, just as you would a parent of one new baby … make them meals; help with their laundry, cleaning or dishes; take the babies for a walk while mum has a decent shower; and most importantly keep asking if they are doing okay. Reinforce to mum that there is strength in asking for help. They may not admit it themselves, but do your best as a family member or friend to assess the situation, is this new mama coping? How can her village wrap it’s support so tightly around her she will never be let down?

This year, we marked a special milestone in our family. At the beginning of December, our twinkles Xavier & Lilian, turned five. I didn’t realise what an achievement that would feel like, having made it through those first hard and fast five years. This milestone also marked my five years as a volunteer for Multiples NZ. In the early days, we were members of the Nelson/Marlborough satellite club of Multiples Canterbury. It was there I started volunteering and was the local contact for families in the top of the south, as well as writing for the club magazine. Fast forward five years, and I went from writing for and proofreading their magazine, to now heading into my second year as Editor, and a member of the National Executive of Multiples NZ. Along the way I have also used my day job skills as a photographer and graphic designer in my role. It is genuinely a lot of volunteer work, but somehow everything always falls into place. We have the help of our awesome exec and support team, and with everyone contributing we are able to provide an amazing service to our families. Now I have my national role on the exec, the editor role, as well as being the local contact for Northland families after moving to 90 Mile Beach in 2015. It really is weaving people together. We have families who genuinely want to help parents of new and older multiples. Through sharing stories, advice and support we are helping to make raising our families easier.

He waka eke noa – we are all in this together.