Georgie has been really involved in the club and has given years on the committee in numerous roles. She joined the committee when her duo were tiny – they turned four in May – and she continues to work hard to support the club. She has been president for two years and has been dedicated to supporting the changing needs of the club members and building a real community.
She ran playgroup for years (she’ll claim she had help/group efforts etc. but she was key – at least from where I stood). Playgroup was a weekly highlight and well attended, a few families even made arrangements with employers to work flexibly around playgroup!
Georgie is the reason I’m on the committee and she’s given me the confidence to take on bigger roles. She encourages and supports those around her and she’s has built a strong committee. Although I’m sorry Georgie is stepping down as president, I’m pleased she’s staying on in her role as antenatal coordinator and the committee is in a good place.
She has taken on a role with Little shadow and is working to enhance services available to our community in many spaces and she’s a true advocate for families. She is involved in coordinating a workshop for new parents and is ensuring it is inclusive of our community too, with specialist from baby wearing to a twin sleep expert and more.
Georgie is certainly one of the good ones. She supports and inspires, and she’s raising some pretty cool kids. Smith Smith2022-07-04 22:16:092022-07-04 22:16:09VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH - WINNER MAY 2022 .