DESIREE MORGAN – Multiples Counties Manukau President
Desiree was nominated by Heather Ben, President, Multiples NZ
Heather says:
“Desiree is that hidden gem we all dream of finding! Far from an easy road to joining our community, she works tirelessly to help others even when her personal load is huge.
Desiree joined our committee as a support person, she has experience with losing a baby (her multiples were triplets and she sadly lost one early on) her boys – known as the duo, also had a traumatic birth all these things are woven into the fabric of the support and comfort she has for scared new mums, Desiree has a way of sharing how things sometimes don’t go to plan without freaking people out.
When after 12 months of telling the committee that I was stepping down as President, no one showed any interest – Desiree quietly came to me without any fuss and said – there is no way I am going to let all the hard work of so many be lost, I’ll do it! From that moment on I have seen a new person – fiercely determined, strong sense of justice and direction – this lady knows what needs to be done, rolls up her sleeves and gets stuck in!
This has also been a whole family effort, due to location it has meant a 4-5 hour round trip for the entire family to attend committee meetings (including getting home very late sometimes) cos us ladies can talk. Saturday mornings again the whole family at the Equipment Storage shed greeting new members, organising equipment for them and letting them know it will be OK.
Desiree is happy to share her knowledge and story, she has 4 kids with different diagnosis all technically “special needs” although I am loath to use that term because they are amazing kids and that is a testament to the patience, resilience, advocacy and love that their Mum (and Dad) provide them.
This lady is constantly fighting – for her children, her club members, the wider community to get the support they deserve.
I have held back from submitting this nomination for months knowing that I “technically” possibly shouldn’t BUT actually people like this need to know how greatly they are seen, appreciated and respected.
Desiree I am constantly in awe of the work you do, and am a much better person for knowing you. Kia Kaha.”