The Multiples NZ and local clubs are run by dedicated vounteers. We have no paid staff and recieve no government funding. All volunteers give freely of their time to help other new parents of multiples because they want to give something back to the community that helped them.
Volunteering is very rewarding, and you can do as much or little as you have time for.
The types of things volunteers do in clubs include:
- being a friend to a new mum of multiples
- organising or hosting coffee groups
- providing one:one support to new parents
- writing about their experiences with multiples for publications or on social media sites
- helping at playgroup
- visiting mums in NICU
- assisting with social or fundraising activities
- storing hire equipment
- organising antenatal classes
- manage club finances
- looking after websites and facebook pages
Volunteers are also vital to running the Multiples NZ. A small team of 6 Executive provide support and services to clubs and we are ably assisted by helpers who do mailouts, apply for grants, edit and proofread our resources.
The Multiples NZ and Clubs are open to offers of assistance from any person who has an interest in supporting multiple birth families. At a national level we are always looking for help with writing resources, IT, fundraising, and other project work. If you would like to vounteer for a club click here to find the club nearest you, or contact the Multiples NZ President, Contact Us.