Advertising with Multiples NZ
Multiples NZ uses the quarterly magazine “Multiple Matters” and this website to keep members and support organisations informed and educated about life with multiples. Companies interested in advertising with the Multiples NZ can choose to advertise in the magazine, online, or purchase the Website/Magazine package.
“Multiple Matters” Magazine Statistics:
Our current magazine circulation is to 250 member families. Multiples NZ affiliated clubs, of which there are 23 around New Zealand, also receive a number of magazine copies based on the clubs membership. These magazines are distributed throughout the clubs membership via the club library, playgroups, social events and committee meetings. In addition to this, our magazine is sent to hospitals, medical professionals and other Multiples NZ support organisations.
Digital copies of the magazine are hosted online and all families who are members of their local Multiple Birth Club are able to download these through a secure site.
Website Statistics:
The Multiples NZ has recently released a new, user-friendly website ( with links through to the 14 regional multiple birth clubs. This site is packed full of information relating to the parenting journey, explanations of the various medical processes involved with multiple births, and where to find help for common multiple parenting issues.
This site has previously received 2,500 hits per month, with 37% of hits coming through from mobile devices.
Reader Profile:
Multiple birth club membership is recorded by family rather than individual membership. In a recent Multiples NZ survey (2012) of Kiwi multiple parents, 63% of respondents were aged 30-39 when their multiples were born, and a further 31% were aged 20-29. The majority of respondents had children aged 2-4 years (36.8% with fraternal boy/girl twins (25%).
Magazine and Website Rate Card
For our latest Magazine and website rate card information
Full Page, Must include a 5mm bleed and crop marks | 297mm x 210mm |
1/2 Page, horizontal strip | 148mm x 210mm |
1/3 Page, horizontal strip | 99mm x 210mm |
1/4 Page, horizontal strip or box | 74mm x 210mm or 148mm x 52cm |
Business card | 74mm x 105mm |
Inserts, loose* | per issue |
Website, per annum | 120 x 240 (pixels) appearing on all pages including the home page |
Website, Magazine package, per annum | 1/2 page advert, strip on website (120 x 240 pixels) |
[Download not found]Key artwork requirements
Print Process: Print offset Binding Method: Saddle stapled
Material Delivery:
Adverts must be supplied as a Jpeg, GIF or PNG file.
Adverts for both the magazine and website should be supplied by email to
Advert is to be supplied at 300dpi.
Photographs must be supplied at a minimum file size of 1MB.
Multiples-NZ-Media-Kit-2017-Apr2017docx-1-1.pdf (985 downloads)
to download the Multiples NZ Media Kit