The first step in the journey—the first year with multiple babies
Managing newborn multiples is all about the general logistics of caring for two or three newborn babies. Like all logistical exercises, it will probably be easier than you think, and a positive attitude and some good planning will really help prepare you for those early days. Before your multiples are born, we suggest that you simplify your lifestyle and household, and sort out your finances so that you can reduce financial stress, and be able to afford some help with childcare, if you need it.
The first year with multiples mostly revolves around establishing routines for feeding and sleeping—very similar to singleton babies, but only more so! Most mums of twins (and triplets) agree that one routine for all the babies works best for everyone—so all babies are fed and put to sleep at the same time. Your local club will have lots of ideas for coping with your babies, and can help you find all the support that is available locally, and make sure that you know about what you are entitled to from the government.
The key suggestions for managing your new babies, from other parents of multiples, are:
- To take life one day at a time
- For mums to look after themselves—eating well (especially if you are breastfeeding), sleep when your babies are sleeping (or at least sit down, relax and put your feet up), and getting some time-out, when you can
- To not be afraid to ask for help—in factorganise lots of help, from friends and family, and childcare organisations, before the babies are born
- For parents to look after each other, nurture their relationship and work as a team—although multiples are hard work, they are a great opportunity for partners to build a really strong bond!
For more information, follow the links below, or buy a copy of the great Multiples NZ publication, The First Year: Positively thriving with twins, or get one when you join your local club.