Multiples NZ endorses best practice guidelines as recommended by those that are experts in any specific field. For example, in regards to the Antenatal care of a multiples pregnancy, the experts and organisations we rely on are the NZ Ministry of Health (MoH), the National Maternity Monitoring Group (NMMG), the NZ Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFM) and NICE UK (to name a few). The guidelines developed by these organisations are based on national and international clinical trials, which includes data from 100’s or 1000’s of pregnancies and births as well as the experience of medical experts here in NZ and around the world.
The NZMFM has produced a number of resources, and there are two leaflets specific to a multiple pregnancy with dizygotic/fraternal twins, as well as monozygotic/identical twins (scroll to the bottom of the list found here)
NICE UK also provide guidance around the care of a multiple pregnancy, including the preferred gestation for delivery and some questions to ask your midwife
We are currently awaiting the release of the New Zealand Obstetric Ultrasound Guidelines that include will include a specific section for multiple pregnancies. These guidelines have been widely consulted on and will hopefully ensure that diagnostic ultrasound usage is consistent across the country.
The Multiples NZ (private) Facebook group is a valuable space for our whānau to ask questions of those that have been there before, and to share successes and challenges. It’s okay to share your stories and experiences here and it’s important that we all post in a way that is respectful of people’s different views and situations and that we think before posting on any topic that may be controversial or could impact on someone’s feelings. It’s also important to remember that the responses of members may be their opinion and/or experience only.