Northland (was Whangarei Multiple Birth Club)
Northland Region is administrated by Multiples Auckland North but there is a local contact in Whangarei.
You can join online at:
Membership is $25 for the first year then $15 per year
There is a Facebook group for Northland families:
Whangarei have an active coffee group and super supportive multiples community, you can find out more in their facebook group –
Whangarei Contact: Rosie Ponifasio-Hughes 021 165 3885 or
Multiples Auckland North
Multiples Auckland North (formerly North Shore Multiple Birth Club) is a non-profit organisation and support group run by and for parents of multiples from Auckland’s North Shore, North West and Hibiscus Coast. Dedicated to the support of families of twins, triplets and multiples, we are actively involved within the multiples community offering events, support and companionship along our members multiples journey.
$35 for the first year then $25 per year ongoing.
You can join online at:
Multiples Auckland Central
The Multiples Auckland Central (formerly Auckland Central Multiple Birth Club) was established in 1987 and is a non-profit organisation and registered charity run by volunteer parents of multiples. It is open to all parents/caregivers and their multiples (twins, triplets and more).
First Year Full Member $35 , Renewal $20, Alumni Members (multiples aged 4 and over $10 per year )
Multiples Counties Manukau
We are a supportive bunch of parents from all walks of life, with one thing in common; our families were blessed with two, three or more babies at a time! From pregnancy to birth and parenting we provide vital support for our new parents! Membership is $32 per year or $15 for Multiples 3 years plus.
Taupo Multiple Birth Club
Taupo is not an official affiliated club and operates as a satellite of Multiples Bay Of Plenty. For further details please refer to the Multiples BOP page.
Multiples Taranaki
Multiples Taranaki is a group of people sharing the very special experience of parenting multiples. You may have just found out you are expecting multiple babies, or have been a multiple parent for sometime but rest assured we are here to help and support you through the highs and lows of loving twins, triplets or even more!
Full membership is $25 per annum.
Manawatu Multiples
Manawatu Multiples is a non-profit organization run by volunteer parents of multiples.
We cover the Manawatu/Whanganui region although the majority of our events are held in Palmerston North.
We support parents and caregivers of multiples. Membership – pregnancy to 23 months – $30, 2-4 years – $25, 5+ years – $10.
To join, visit: or email
Kapimana Multiples
We are a volunteer run organisation supporting families with twins or more, from Tawa north to Otaki.
We aim to provide support, help and friendship as families navigate the wonderful world of multiples.
First year membership is $40
Multiples Hutt Valley
Wellington Multiples
Nelson / Malborough Area
The Nelson & Marlborough regions are administered by Multiples Canterbury but local contacts run events in the region.
Local Contact: Briar Duncan 021 162 2189 or
Membership option is $40 for the first year, reducing to $15 for 2nd – 4th Year and $10 for 5 years plus.
To join visit:
For membership enquiries contact: Carolyn Lister (Christchurch) 021 1010 318 or
Multiples Canterbury (previously Christchurch Multiple Birth Club)
Multiples Canterbury was established in 1977 and is made up of families who are experiencing what it is like to have twins, triplets or more. The club is run by a committee of volunteers (all parents of multiples) who give their time to provide support, education and friendship to other members to help them cope with unique situations that arise when you have more than one baby at a time. The club covers Canterbury (including South Canterbury – Ashburton, Timaru, Twizel) Marlborough, Nelson and the West Coast.
Membership option is $40 for the first year, reducing to $15 for 2nd – 4th Year and $10 for 5 years plus.
To join visit:
For membership enquiries contact: Carolyn Lister (Christchurch) 021 1010 319 or
South Canterbury Area (Timaru)
The South Canterbury area is administered by Multiples Canterbury but local events are held in Timaru.
Local contact: Janessa Murray 0272 143 196 / Kelly Stockwell 027 465 5602 or
Membership option is $40 for the first year, reducing to $15 for 2nd – 4th Year and $10 for 5 years plus.
To join visit:
For membership enquiries contact: Carolyn Lister (Christchurch) 021 1010 318 or
Multiples Otago
Orginally formed in 1972 as the Otago Parents of Twins Club, the name was changed to the Otago Multiple Birth Club when the first family with triplets became members.
In 2016 the name was changed to Multiples Otago to reflect that we are here to support all families with multiples of all ages
Membership: Full Member $30 – Greater Dunedin Area
Associate Members $20 – All other areas
Southland Multiples
Southland Multiples (previously Southland Multiple Birth Club)
Southland Multiples was established in 1979 and is made up of families who are experiencing what it is like to have twins, triplets or more. The club is run by a committee of volunteers (all parents of multiples). Joining Southland Multiples will provide you with support, education and friendship as you experience the joys and challenges of raising multiples. The club covers all of Southland and has a satellite club in Queenstown.
Membership is $30 (May – Apr) or $15 for Distance Memberships (Queenstown).
To join visit:
Southland Contacts: Lizzie Stephenson & Sarah Miller
For membership enquiries contact: