The aim of this booklet is to give you some basic information on the issues you now need
to consider, and the first steps you should take to ensure a healthy twin pregnancy. Be-
coming pregnant with twins or multiples often occurs naturally, but growing two or more
babies can be quite a different experience to that of a singleton pregnancy. Whilst you are
still quite likely to have a trouble-free pregnancy and birth, it is important for you to know
about the differences that a multiple pregnancy entails. So, we will focus on these differ-
ences, rather than on pregnancy in general. There are loads of books on pregnancy in li-
braries and bookshops, but often little information about twin-specific issues.
In this booklet, we have collated information and anecdotes from parents of twins and
health professionals experienced with multiple pregnancy, as a guide specific to twin preg-
nancy and birth in New Zealand. We examine the four trimesters of pregnancy, including
pregnancy, birth and the first three months after the babies arrive (often referred to as
the fourth trimester).